
This striking bouquet of 12 brightly coloured gerberas is bursting with tones of sunshine yellow and saffron pink. Gerberas are a joyful flower making this bouquet perfect for a birthday or to send as a get well gift. When you need to brighten someone's day, you can always rely on the Summer!

This bunch does not come with a vase, but we recommend adding a regular vase which is available in our fab range of extras. Why not go all out and add one of our helium balloons and some chocolates- your lucky recipient will really appreciate the extra effort.

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Summer Flowers

Total: $76.95

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This striking bouquet of 12 brightly coloured gerberas is bursting with tones of sunshine yellow and saffron pink. Gerberas are a joyful flower making this bouquet perfect for a birthday or to send as a get well gift. When you need to brighten someone's day, you can always rely on the Summer! This bunch does not come with a vase, but we recommend adding a regular vase which is available in our fab range of extras. Why not go all out and add one of our helium balloons and some chocolates- your lucky recipient will really appreciate the extra effort.
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