Striking Bouquet

This stunning bouquet of brightly coloured blooms will surely delight your loved one for a Birthday, Celebration or simply to show you care. An ideal gift for Mum on Mother's Day, these gorgeous colours brim with bubbly energy to make their day special.

Only the freshest lilies are used in this bouquet which means that some buds may be sent closed. Luke warm water placed in their vase will encourage these flowers to open and give the lucky recipient the pleasure of watching them bloom.

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Striking Bouquet Flowers

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This stunning bouquet of brightly coloured blooms will surely delight your loved one for a Birthday, Celebration or simply to show you care. An ideal gift for Mum on Mother's Day, these gorgeous colours brim with bubbly energy to make their day special. Only the freshest lilies are used in this bouquet which means that some buds may be sent closed. Luke warm water placed in their vase will encourage these flowers to open and give the lucky recipient the pleasure of watching them bloom.
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