
A beautifully hand crafted bouquet consisting of gorgeous gerberas and delicate Asiatic lilies in a delightful shade of pastel pink. “Grace” is the perfect floral gift to celebrate a special birthday or to welcome the arrival of a baby girl. We use only the freshest available flowers to create this sweet bouquet which means that some lilies may be closed on arrival. This protects the flowers when they're in transit and increases their longevity, ensuring your flowers will arrive in pristine condition.

Why not go the extra mile and send one of our stylish glass vases, your recipient will really appreciate the effort. Spoil someone special today with this stunning bouquet that offers particularly good value for money!

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Grace Flowers

Total: $84.95

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A beautifully hand crafted bouquet consisting of gorgeous gerberas and delicate Asiatic lilies in a delightful shade of pastel pink. “Grace” is the perfect floral gift to celebrate a special birthday or to welcome the arrival of a baby girl. We use only the freshest available flowers to create this sweet bouquet which means that some lilies may be closed on arrival. This protects the flowers when they're in transit and increases their longevity, ensuring your flowers will arrive in pristine condition. Why not go the extra mile and send one of our stylish glass vases, your recipient will really appreciate the effort. Spoil someone special today with this stunning bouquet that offers particularly good value for money!
Click to call 1300 847 378