
The enchantment is a striking combination of gerberas, hot pink oriental lilies, crimson carnations and ruby red roses enhanced by lush fresh green foliage wrapped by our expert team of florists into an impressive bouquet.
This bouquet in hues of powerful red makes the perfect gift when celebrating a birthday, making a romantic gesture, celebrating mum at Mother’s Day or a simple thank you.

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Enchanted Flowers

Total: $109.95

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The enchantment is a striking combination of gerberas, hot pink oriental lilies, crimson carnations and ruby red roses enhanced by lush fresh green foliage wrapped by our expert team of florists into an impressive bouquet. This bouquet in hues of powerful red makes the perfect gift when celebrating a birthday, making a romantic gesture, celebrating mum at Mother’s Day or a simple thank you.
Click to call 1300 847 378